Friday, June 19, 2009

Jean Short Friday: A Preview of the Nothingness I Live In Everyday (Yay)!

Well folks I went to bed last night with the Heels leading Arizona State 4-0 in the 4th. I woke up to a lovely 12-5 loss and the realization that maybe we're like Andy. You know the 40 year old virgin:

"It just never happened. When I was young, I tried, and it didn't happen. And then I got older and I got more and more nervous because it hadn't happened yet. And I got kind of weirded out about it. Then it really didn't happen"

That describes out four year run perfectly, sucks rhino sized balls but hey with baseball season over that can only mean one thing; FOOTBALL season looms larger on the horizon. So on this RuPaul-esque "Fantabulous Friday" I'll give a few updates that one (me) guy never got around to denoting.

First of all the ACC 30 best players countdown by Heather Dinich is pretty solid so check that out on

You slack jawed morons are pretty disappointing in your responses so I may have to call for back up from an audience I know will rip me into cute little chum style strips. Fun!

I'm currently passing the one month anniversary of the end of my long distance relationship. The consolidation of two very different lifestyles has been far from easy and let me say this firm mattresses are better (in the Billy Madison "shampoo is better" type of way).

We'll be doing a bit of live blogging tomorrow from the first ever multiperson confirmed kills day in FFM2M history (a more detailed report on that at midday today).


Weekend is hurr.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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