Thursday, June 18, 2009

Comments of Fury

Alright folks I'm about to do some pandering, like a 50 something college coach telling a snot-nosed high school kid how great he is. Yeah it feels a little like groveling but it will definitely drive some discourse on the site and that's what counts; so here goes:

I can see we're getting some steady traffic and folks are enjoying our emails from the blog updates; however (Stephen A Smiff style) there's zero witty comments. Well damn you all and let's get it started. To make the site more interactive my first order of business is to get a poll up later today. Which I guess technically makes it second order of business since this is the first order. Damn me and my tremendous brain.

For now I'm going to start a commenter war. That's what I want commenter on commenter violence and surprisingly witty retorts. I'll toss myself out there as the initial fodder for this experiment and from then on user submitted and/or pilfered photos will be used to destroy things like egos, self respect and dignity. In honor of my greatness I've submitted the greatest photo I've ever taken!

Do your worst assjackets (LB) and let's get the comments swirling.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Unknown said...

i've always heard people say "its not a beer belly, its a fuel tank for a sex machine," but this makes me wonder about the logistics. what do you do with this tank? does it have to rest gingerly on top of someone's head, lower back, etc? i'm starting to think that whole fuel tank thing was just something drunks have been saying to trick girls.

Hate Me said...

You might have just solved the puzzle. Although knowing Felder that massive beer tub was probably getting more use as a highlife holder on the couch. I'd like to see the guy get a coozy implant on his stomach and see how fat he can get. What a lardass.