Friday, May 29, 2009

Today's Seinfeld Girlfriend

Yesterday we hit you with our inaugural Seinfeld honey, the lovely Dolores. Today, by request we bring you Carrie.

What's that you say?

You don't remember Carrie?

Of course you do because everyone has a Carrie in their circle. You know that friend whose facebook photos you scroll through and it looks like 1,700 pics of one endless party. The friend who goes from tan to pale, short to long hair and appears to be in the mountains and Cabo all on the same day. In other words Carrie is:

The girl who only wore one dress.

As another of Jerry's conquests Carrie looked simply stunning the first time Jerry saw her and equally great each time thereafter. One problem, nobody told her that the luster has worn off from the cocktail dress when you rock said dress 3 dates in a row.

Its tough to say,"Damn you look hot tonight" or "Girl, I'd drink your bath water" after she's worn the dress to every function you see her at.

Her real name's Shannon Holt and while she donned the same dress multiple times on Seinfeld she's had a string of one and done episode appearances on numerous television shows. Hits like "ER", "The Unit" and my personal favorite "Grace Under Fire," Now I know what you're thinking how badass can she be with the obligatory bit part on "Law and Order?"

Badass enough to have a semi-regular character on "That 70's Show" and "The Suite Life at Sea." By semi-regular of course I mean two episodes. And to think without Seinfeld "The Seven" episode I'd have never discovered this gem.

Here's to you Shannon Holt, Carrie or as "The Lady Who Only Wears One Dress" as we more affectionately know her. Perhaps we've coined a new term to add to the lexicon; a Carrie.

By the way "The Football From Mass to Miami" Lexicon will be making its debut soon.

Photo found at

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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