Well folks today is the day for the first ever FFM2M sanctioned "Confirmed Kills" Day!
Huh? What's confirmed kills? Why should you care?
Well to start it confirmed kills, also known as scalps, is a term derived from the military's method of describing known enemies who meet their demise at a given soldier's hands.
So does that mean I'll be out there killing people and pulling off scalps to prove how big my stones are? Quick answer is no. Long answer is Mike Felder is too terrified of prison and the intense poking that goes on there to even remotely consider acting on my vengeful instincts.
No folks confirmed kills, in lay person terms, are the anti-wounded soldiers from last night's party. They're the beers that you know you and only you drank. That's right, its like a baseline test for fun happy times.
Generally I host confirmed kills days alone but the idea was so appealing to others that I've decided to open the forum and not only have two others join me for the debauchery but also host a live blog and comment roll to invite others into the awesomeness that is the arena of the beer sniper.
There will be pictures, there will be posts and there will be tweets.
There Will Be Blood (maybe).
Tune in folks, it will be an epic day in internet history, like the time I peed in the bed or the first time I went to Clemson.
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